Monday, March 24, 2008

Rotting Corpse CD Review with mention of a Chick tract

I was looking on the Internet for a certain review of my band's CD from a couple of years ago. I found it. You have can follow the link and then you have to scroll down a bit because he reviews several bands before us but I also have it pasted at the bottom of the page.

The reviewer, named Todd, takes exception to my including a Chick tract in with the promo package I sent him. The seeker sensitive crowd would have a problem that I used a Chick tract and not a new hipper style of tract that's more tolerant. But if Todd read the tract, he read the gospel and that's what's important even if he didn't accept Christ on the spot. He's sarcastic but I think he also having a hard time believing that a member of Rotting Corpse would send him a Chick tract. And it's funny he calls me ex-Rotting Corpse bassist even though we were playing shows at the time apparently wanting to distance me from the band. I remember reading this and glorifying God that he mentioned the tract in the review because most people I send tracts to act like I never sent them. It's almost like the crazy uncle that the family pretends isn't doing something weird.

When I sent this tract several years ago, I only sent them with people who weren't paying customers so I sent several to web 'zines and magazines (promo material). For over the last year, I send them to whoever I mail material too. It's easy to fall into the "I don't want to offend" mode but what's important is sharing the message of the gospel.

For the 3 people that ever read my blog, please say a prayer or two for Todd.

His review:

Rotting Corpse - _The Demos_ (F*ck It Records)

Rotting Corpse emerged in the heyday of the Texas underground, churning textbook thrash alongside more notable acts like Devastation and noted for a founding member going on to form Solitude Aeternus. This disc (now in its third print) compiles each of the group's four demos, starting in 1986. While not too distinct from the Bay Area sound in general, this collection remains a fairly enjoyable and quality recorded with a slightly "tinny" production to offset the energetic riffing. There's trivia here as well, as the group's second demo was produced by Vinnie Paul Abbot. An eight-page booklet includes lyrics as well as tons of photos and show flyers plus a sticker and pin. My copy was actually mailed with a Jack Chick tract, which always cracks me up -- even more so after I found out that ex-Rotting Corpse bassist Steve Murphy truly does care about my soul's final abode in the great hereafter. Parties still interested may want to request a better companion piece by Mr. Chick, perhaps the more appropriate "Angels" or "The Sissy"?

Todd DePalma


Anonymous said...

Ok, Steve. Read Luke 8:4-15. Tell me where the seed from your Chick tract fell.

Streetpreach in Texas said...

I'm not sure where it fell for him, only God knows. But I hope the implication wasn't to not at least attempt to plant a seed by using the Chick tract?

The point of the soils is the heart of the sinner, not the message of the Gospel. If his heart is not receptive, that’s not the fault of the Gospel. No matter how nice we present the gospel (and I believe it should always be done in love), people will either reject or accept it and it's the work of the Holy Spirit that converts.

Anonymous said...

Ok. So, if you're a farmer, and you're sowing seeds, what are the steps you use to best ensure that you get the greatest return on your "toil in the soil"?

Streetpreach in Texas said...

I pray over each and every tract I send or give out and allow the Word of God to do it's work.

Isaiah 55:11 (NIV)

11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Anonymous said...


A couple of things to consider:

1. The Scripture you first mentioned doesn't say anything about methodology. The point in that Scripture has to do with the fact that the soils of people's hearts have varying levels of receptivity. The emphasis isn't on what we do to "prepare" their hearts. Scripturally, that is clearly God's job, not ours. Our job is to simply sow the seed.

2. Take a look at the examples of actual evangelism in the New Testament. The vast majority of the witnessing done there is with strangers, not people we know. I am assuming that you are taking the position of being "relational", but that example is the minority position in the NT. And even in cases where there is relationship, those relationships were borne out of Christ's or the apostles' public, "confrontational" ministry.

If Steve is doing things wrong, then what do you do? How do you witness to strangers?


Anonymous said...

Wow! All I did was ask a couple of questions and you guys gang up on me! :)

I take a hardline position that, based on the Geat Commission, my role as evangelist is to make "disciples." I have yet to experience how that happens in any way other than through the context of a relationship.

Where did I say Steve was doing anything wrong?

BTW, I have Isaiah 55:11 posted on the wall right above my computer at the office. I believe it, too!

Streetpreach in Texas said...


I concur - the relationship aspect can be powerful and I don't discount it a bit and use it whenever I can.

Sorry for the ganging but it turned into a pretty good discussion on my lame blog! ha.

Try to stay warm I think it's going to be 70ish here in Dallas today.


Anonymous said...

We have snow in our forecast today!

I mean NO (none, nada) disrespect for those who feel a call to "Street Preach" - your term - not mine.

I simply reiterate my conviction that the purpose of evangelism is about making disciples - NOT decisions.

I have started writing my review of the Cahill book for you. As a preview, I'll let you in on that, while I am captured by his passion for sharing the Good News, I struggle with his "version" of the Gospel. I am troubled by the fact that he focusses so much of his message on the heaven or hell angle.

Rebirth in Jesus is so much more than that. It's about having a restored relationship with God. It's about becoming His child. It's not all about eternity (although that's the ultimate byproduct) - it includes having "life to the full" which starts here on earth.

A disciple is not someone who has gotten their "get out of Hell" ticket punched; a disciple is someone, like you, who is living a life in and for the King of the universe.

I could go on and on. I am passionate about this stuff. But for the sake of conversation, I'll stop and let you type for a while

Anonymous said...

Your better off there in the U.S.
Some Chick tracts have been pulled, banned,or censored I believe in Canada.

One distributor I found in Toronto somehow, in the early 1990s after the second time or so I bought a lot to give away,I was told they were closing down.
The man (maybe manager of this 'hidden' store, windows covered up, so people would think it's out of business), sounded bitter, angry, he said there were complaints, the police had visited them, and maybe the Ontario Human Rights Commission.
He just said cryptically that if I wanted them,maybe I could get them from another city far away, as he had no idea if they were going to open up elsewhere, and seemed like he was through with the tract and Christian books, comic book business.