Monday, August 11, 2008


A friend forwarded this video link in an email to me and I have to admit it blew me away. I watched it several times. Pretty wild. Actually amazing really. It's a Louie Giglio sermon, I'm not sure what his other teaching is like but this is good.


Anonymous said...

I have been reading a David Icke book Infinite Love is the Only Truth Everything Else is Illusion (Exposing the dreamworld we believe to be 'real').
(Icke is a controversial conspiracist, but does have some useful, or new information.)
It doesn't mention Laminin so far, but of something similar...

relating to atoms,how they are mostly empty space; and how everything in the universe is connected, and must have been created by God.
That scientists who do not understand how 95% of the human mind works, they consider "RNA to be 97 per cent junk DNA", because they are unable to see things existing on other frequencies then it doesn't exist. etc

From that Laminin link, I watched some other useful youtube links on the Church of Oprah, and her antichrist/ New Age agenda.
While SOME of what she says might be helpful, (eg. positive thinking, meditating for something to come true, what Christian Science taught right?)
Was surprised that how many follow her???

Anonymous said...

Laminin is crap.
If you look hard enough you might see Mary, and Jesus, and Paul, and Adam, and Tabitha, and Timothy, and a tomb, and blood, and whatever else you decide you want to see.